Sunday, 20 February 2011

Maxis Maternity Clothes Replacement

There are plenty of maternity default replacements but I've never actually seen recolours of the original maxis maternity clothes so I've made some. The top comes in simple solid colours and the pants texture is taken from a maxis H&M jeans.

I really recommend checking out Motokis "Buyable Maxis Maternity Clothes" mod at MATY... makes maternity clothes buyable as everyday outfits for adults.


  1. These are so pretty! Thank you :)

  2. Really nice, thank you so much.

  3. These are wonderful, thank you!

  4. These are amazing! I've always wanted something like this. Thanks!!

  5. Gorgeous <3 Thank you so much!

  6. These are really nice, thank you! =)

  7. They look really pretty. Thank you!

  8. These are absolutely gorgeous! Is there any way they could be made as non-default?


  9. Absolutely brilliant, the mesh is actually rather cute. It just needed some more sensible recolours! Awesome, thank you :)

  10. I never liked this mesh, until I found these recolors.
    This is absolutely fantastic. Thanks :)

  11. Thank u so much~~ I love love love it!!!
    Thank u for making me happy. :)

  12. This is great, it really is. I love how it looks in game.

    Just one thing, though. While wearing your maternity replacement, my sim reverted to base game hair (the cornrows style). In pajamas and other clothes she had her usual custom hair. I suppose it could be a fluke, or due to other causes, but I thought I would let you know.

  13. I tried a little test where I changed the settings of my custom hair recolour using “Color Binning Tool” (I unmarked “Pregnant”) and what happened is exactly how you described it, so I would say it’s the hair recolour you’re using in your game that’s causing the problem. You can easily fix the hair recolour using the "Color Binning Tool" I’ve mentioned. If you don’t know how to do it, just let me know and I’ll help you with it ;)

    Btw, I’d like to thank you all for such nice comments!

  14. Thanks for these lovely recolours!

    Just one thing, they're not showing. A young adult just entered her first trimester and changed into an original Maxis recolour. Was wondering if you could help... And I don't have any other maternity replacements in my downloads folder.

  15. Young adults can't get pregnant unless your have a hack and so I'm afraid I can't help you with that... it's way beyond my skills :/

  16. ishi09, young adults use the teen maternity outfits and textures.

    These are just brilliant... thanks so much!

  17. So wonderful...!
    So happy you made these, the old tops were too
    see-through for me, and it was what made me
    download so many maternity outfits. Not anymore,
    thanks to your marvelous creation! (:

  18. Great job you people are doing with this website. Maternity tights

  19. Brilliant! These are much nicer than Maxis defaults. :3 Thank you!

  20. These are amazing and I really appreciate this great idea. All these maternity wear clothes are looking fabulous.
